Modest Morgan Morris was standing in front of Mickey Dugan and Alex Young, her friend, came running up to talk to him too! Morgan asked, “Do you need any help?” Alex replied I need to get a pet and learn to train it. Do you know what quest that is?” “Aah yes, talk to...
Humble Misty
Hooray for a MooShu Stagecoach in Pirate101!
Humble Misty loves the Wagon train in Cool Ranch, and it was a great surprise for her with the last update. She wants to thank the devs for listening to their raving fans and added a stagecoach in MooShu! This is a wonderful way to travel the skyways when you...
Cruising with a New Friend in Pirate101
Loveable Melody Morgan was heading toward Monquista City for her next quest. After pulling into port, she saw this magnificent ship and discovered it belonged to a Musketeer named Merciful Maria Morgan. While admiring the Galleon Pirate ship, Merciful Maria noticed...
Friends That Play Together in Pirate101, Stay Together
It has been 10 years since Humble Misty started playing Pirate101 with her friend Little Libby Liston. There are a few funny things that have happened during their playtime. It seems Smiling Scarlet (Humble Misty) and Little Libby have the same taste in mounts, pets,...
Bonnie Anne Companion Quests – Part 1
Bonnie Anne is one of my favorite companions. She is your second companion you receive and for me, she stays my first or second mate all the way through. That said, it’s a great idea to level her up and do her promotion quests as they arise. *Bonnie Anne – (Fox...
Bold Brynn’s Favorite Pet: Little Simbah
Bold Brynn Bristol has become a pretty good adventurer and Privateer and has acquired many pets along the way. After her struggle with Old Decker, the Ostrich, she has learned a lot about training the pets and found many of her pets good homes. There are a...
AOS Guides: Ratbeard Companion Quests – Part 2
This is a great storyline to do during the winter holiday. It is centered in Scrooge’s House with many errands to do all over the skyways to get to the end promotion. If you have friends that can park places for you, to teleport to, or lots of gold to transportalate,...
AOS Guides: Ratbeard Companion Quests – Part 1
Ratbeard is an interesting Companion. He tends to blow up and then think about things later. I think he is fun to play with. You will find he doesn’t always listen to what you tell him to do and does something completely different from what you asked. I know many...
AOS Guides: Companions and Promotions
A New Series with Companion Promotion Quests! Started Pirate101, have ye? Not sure what ye are doing in this place and how ye corsair receives its crew? Well, ye are in the correct place. Adventures of the Spiral has started a series of guides that will touch on many...
Grace Stormsong and Alex Thundersmith Fire Up Their Mounts
After a busy month of studying, Grace Stormsong and Alex ThunderSmith started their Main Quest line in Firecat Alley. They both met at the entrance next to Private Quinn. (Putting Out the Fires: Talk To Private Quinn) When entering the alley, Gamma, their tutor, came...